Poster Art

In what seems like a different lifetime, I once designed poster art for the theater world in New York City. First as an Assistant Art Director for Eliran Murphy Group (until they went under), and then as a Digital Designer (and the first designer in the NYC office) for AKA, I helped create original concepts that were pitched to the producers of these shows.  
Poster art was really just one part of the work I did for these agencies. Whichever concept was chosen (sometimes mine*, often not) I would take the design and translate it into various assets - signage, brochures, print ads, Flash ads (this was over 15 years ago), and full websites for customers to learn more about the production and buy tickets.

*All of the poster designs below were included in pitches, but only about half were actually selected for the respective shows. There are few things more thrilling for a designer (especially a relatively junior one) than to see a giant theater marquee in with their art on it.
Collection of various poster art designs